What does it take to impress us in an interview? If you’re applying at Accubits and wondering about the interview process, fret not because we have some tips for you. Let’s start with the kind of candidate that will knock our socks off. 

The ideal Accubien

Our ideal team member will give us out-of-the-box ideas when presented with a problem. So naturally, we’re looking for a candidate that can give us a whole new and different perspective. Someone who dares to step outside the lines and show us their unique mind. It doesn’t matter if we agree with your answer or not, we wanna know your unique perspective for questions. Just be your authentic self. Through the questions, we ask we’ll also try to gauge a few other parameters to know for sure that you are our ideal candidate. 

Through the series of questions, we hope to get an insight into your: analytical skills, your aptitude, your attitude towards situations, and in general. We hope to find out if you’re a quick learner with good communication skills and the flexibility to handle projects according to their requirements. Your answers to our case scenario questions will tell us about your innovative thinking, it helps us know if you’re a team player with empathy and sound understanding of the project at hand and if you have an insight into the bigger picture. Apart from this, we’ll also test you on the core technical skills required for the role to see if you have the skills to handle the job. It’s not that difficult really… but wait do you think we’ll go well together? Do you even like us?

Why us?

You know one of the questions we are gonna ask you is “Why did you choose us?”

Think about that. Are you sure we’re the right fit for you? I mean think about it… you’re gonna be with us for a while so you should make sure that our values align with yours. The company you choose to work for must ultimately provide good worth to your future career and your life. It should offer you more than a title and a paycheck. So we want you to take some time to get to know us. We have the vision to align all creative minds to bring solutions for the problems that we humans have dumped on our earth. Our five fundamental values help us stay grounded in the work we do and what we want to achieve at Accubits. Take some time to explore them and find an answer for “Why us?”

The Process of Hiring 

If you think we’re awesome and if you send in your resume, then you might be trying to grasp the next steps of our hiring process. Broadly we assess if you’re a good fit for us with 3 basic elements: your resume, your interview, and your LinkedIn account. Based on these we try to get to know you as much as possible so that we can figure out if we’d be a right fit for each other. 



Let’s start by thinking about how you can spice up your resume to give a banger first impression. It might help to think of your resume as a fact page about you. But don’t go full Wikipedia on your resume. We want to see the achievements and qualifications that are relevant to the job description we’ve put up on the career page. When the information is brief and easy to quantify then it lets us categorize the resume better based on its quality. 

An important part of getting past the initial quality check is handing in an ATS-friendly resume. An ATS scanner helps us filter out the best candidates for the job posting based on the qualifications and relevant experience given in the resume. To make your resume ATS friendly optimize the keywords according to the job description and make sure it gives quantifiable numbers and relevant information about the experiences. Making the contact information visible and easily accessible can help us when we’re shuffling through many resumes to contact you and set up a date for your interview. Before the interview, we’ll take a peek into your LinkedIn account to get a better understanding of your professional experiences and skills. So have an updated account with content that can resonate with your skills in the field. 


Here we are at the interview, it’s pretty basic knowledge that an interview is conducted to get to know you better. There’s a bunch of things that we check to make sure that we can vibe with you. Well, we’ll inevitably ask you to “Tell us about yourself”.To find the answer, introspect, look into yourself and make sure that you know yourself. Start with the facts on your resume and other achievements that would have prepared you to be better at the position you’re interviewing for. Before the interview prepare these answers in your head. 

Instead of talking about ‘yourself’, talk about your personal brand. Your uniqueness that you tag as your brand. Why should we consider you over a person with similar qualifications? The answer must be your brand. What are your fields of expertise? What have you done to hone to skills in this field? How are you planning to upskill? These questions may seem daunting to a few of you. But it can be made easier if you spend time familiarizing yourself with your identity. Now that you have all the information about yourself, know about the industry and how you fit in within it. If you’re familiar with the industry it can help you place yourself and the company and that gives us a clear picture of who you are as an employee. If you’ve thought about these before the interview, you can tackle a lot of the questions we ask during the interview. 

When you appear for the interview, it’s natural to be nervous but this online encounter can go a little more smoothly if you take into account a few things. The first of those would be to check out your camera and microphone in the system before the start of the meeting and ensure they work perfectly. Try to sit against a blank background in a well-lit space without distractions. 

Now, when you meet us we prefer to be called by our first name hence you don’t have to worry about calling us Sir/Ma’am. We trying to find our teammate not just an employee for the company. Since we have multiple candidates to interview on the same day we’d like to have some fun and engaging conversations with you. 

Remember that it is after all your interview so take every opportunity to tell us about yourself. Make sure that we know about your brand and your uniqueness. Well sure telling us you’re unique can only go for so long. Through your answers help us see your difference in perspective from the benchmarked answers. Your answers should reflect you and through them, you must stand out. Don’t worry so much about the answers being right or wrong or even disagreeing with the interviewer’s point of view.

How well can you represent yourself beautifully within the given time? That is the ultimate goal. Paint a picture about your experiences and answers, try to show us your world. And for that, you don’t have to give quick answers, ask for a minute to think about your answer. If you think the question needs a little bit more clarity, ask for that too. We’re here to know about you and we’re interested in your answers so we don’t want to rush you. 


We know that you might be nervous and it’s natural. So don’t worry about saying the wrong thing, concentrate instead on presenting the honest ‘you’. Don’t lie about your knowledge on a certain topic just tell us you don’t know. Everyone can’t know everything. But show that you’re willing to learn. We want you to have a fun experience and a good chat that you can remember and recount to your friends when you join the team. Good luck. 


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