Webinar: Decoding Metaverse and it’s business opportunities

In the sixth episode of The North Tech webinar series, we are decoding the Metaverse and its business opportunities.

The term metaverse has been blowing up the internet the past few months. The news about Facebook being renamed as Meta was mixedly received with skepticism and excitement (mostly from the Matrix and Black Mirror fans). Experts define it as a whole new meaning to connecting virtually that could potentially replace its equivalent in the physical world. While the world debates over the use-cases of an extravagant virtual reality, one should look at what Metaverse offers for businesses. What changes can we expect in the near future? What’s in store for the new version of the internet, Metaverse, Web 3.0, and NFTs, and how can it ignite business innovations?

In this webinar, we will look at the business opportunities with Metaverse and the creative approaches to promote innovation in the virtual world. In the webinar, we hope to conduct insightful discussions on;

-The Scope of Metaverse

-Business opportunities with the metaverse

-​NFTs in the metaverse

-Blockchain for metaverse

-​How to get started​ and more.


A peek into the previous episodes

Webinar: Breaking Barriers in Insurtech Innovation

Webinar: Decoding the NFT Business Models